i broke my toe


the title is pretty self-explanatory, i think.


wouldn’t it be awful if i just stopped the blog there though?


the short version is: i’ve been doing too much.

the longer version is…well, long — but i guess that’s what you’re here for, right?




i’ve had this reminder on my phone i’ve been snoozing for a bit because i’ve been busy. and “busy” is an understatement. i have genuinely been working 12-14 hour days on one thing or another for at least the last two-and-a-half months straight.

off the top of my head: i’ve played two shows, co-birthed a non-profit org, launched five programs, coordinated at least a dozen hikes, facilitated three workshop events, started a new job (without having quit the previous one quite yet), created a new time-consuming-and-somehow-still-more-expensive-than-what-i-make-from-it-hobby (and oh do i have content about that to share), all while caring for and cooking for two small persons, and doing the laundry and driving to dance camp and therapies and all the other mom stuff that doesn’t usually get talked about or acknowledged because you just do it, duh, right? right!? ugh.

at first i wanted to do a blog to talk about how i had a show coming up, but i got too busy with seeing rainbows, and with getting ready for the show (ok that’s a lie, i kept forgetting to practice, and between that and the heat - it made for a sometimes shaky performance), and the new job, and all the aforementioned things.

and then we did the show! we drove the long way down from here, meandering our way down into connecticut and past a place that apparently manufactured “Specialized Balls” — our most interesting stop along the way turned out to be a chain donut restaurant (who i won’t give the seo to by naming them) that was the only place we could find to pee where it didn’t feel that i might be shot on sight, or worse. i don’t say this lightly. as a trans woman, traveling technically interstate, with my children — i was keenly aware as we crossed the border into connecticut that i had failed to check (brief note to acknowledge that my adhd led me away to go find) this map (and far, far, faaaaar astray, wandering amidst the land of zooms and discord before returning here from my wanderings to resume the tale) of where it presently is (slightly more) safe and isn’t safe to simply be trans in this country.

thankfully, i find out days after going, connecticut is, apparently, “safe.” — although judging from some of the looks (and let’s be real, same looks i get at home) i question the degree of such “safety.” but at the time, traveling with my children into a foreign state (and don’t question me on the “foreign” — when yr trans, every state is a foreign state — there’s a reason “tranarchist” is a word) fet like it could have been a horrible and deeply irresponsible mistake.

thankfully, we had a fun adventure and ate some expensive mexican food!

i had hoped to know a whole combo video/travel blog thing about the whole trip — and the show — to share here…

…but that’s gonna have to come later.

in the meantime, enjoy! 💕



fighting the tide with teacups


secrets and escapes