hi, i’m nuri. this is where i’ll post things i’m working on (when i remember to) — whether its music, or musings, or fiction, or video, or live events, or whatever comes next. if you want to follow along, it’s free, or you can choose to pay. you don’t get anything extra if you pay, but you help support me to keep doing the things, and i appreciate it. 💕

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Recent posts

nuri nuri

dimensional intersections and wavelengths

i’m supposed to be taking the next week off. i started writing this last week. now i’m supposed to be taking **this** week off and finally finishing this.

so of course i found “work” to do. 🤦🏻‍♀️

my car was repo’d earlier this week (last week - got it back yesterday - tldr: do mutual aid shit, it’s so important) — which is annoying, humiliating, frustrating, terrifying, and so many other feelings.

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nuri nuri

remain joyful / no more water

fascism, particularly in the 21st century, thrives on attention. it demands it. it is fueled by it. it consumes attention and requires ever greater amounts. that attention fuels its shallow and hollow power. it only has the power we give it, and that power — power rooted in fear and control — is always fragile and transitory.

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nuri nuri

the more humane option

i’m icked out and stressed out and sick of not being able to get my proper medication. i feel overwhelmed by how many words it would take to describe how i’m feeling right now — sorry, just got interrupted

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nuri nuri

trying to get the brain gunk out

i never did get around to writing the thing(s) i wanted to work on yesterday. i thought i might try to work on it now, but i can’t. my brain’s too tired. or something.

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nuri nuri

maybe i’ll actually write something now.

i haven’t been writing much lately. i keep wanting to. i have a series of reminders i’ve set for myself to work on a children’s story, a speculative story about liberation, a space opera i started and abandoned, a time travel romance.

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nuri nuri

fighting the tide with teacups

you know… i had meant to do a whole blog recapping the show and the trip out to the buttonwood tree last week — but that’s not where i am right now, and it feels somehow too much the antithesis of the point of this blog.

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i need to do some updating

this is (one of the things) what’s gotten me stuck in the past. i published this site and i already feel like i need to make changes. my, for lack of a better work, “practice” is not necessarily what i thought it would be, and i can see it shifting.

i feel like i should go with that flow, but also without letting go of the things that give me joy.

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another queer art party

another queer art party

fresh off the heels of completing another queer art party, i feel gratitude this morning. for community. for connection. for my liberty, at this moment, to commit myself to this work.

I woke up this morning, gently, to the sound of rain and the smell of petrichor, a gentle breeze blowing over my bare skin, and it felt like a gift from Mother Nature, Mother Earth, from the wind, from whichever, any and all aspects of the Divine.

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