hi, i’m nuri. this is where i’ll post things i’m working on (when i remember to) — whether its music, or musings, or fiction, or video, or live events, or whatever comes next. if you want to follow along, it’s free, or you can choose to pay. you don’t get anything extra if you pay, but you help support me to keep doing the things, and i appreciate it. 💕

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Recent posts

more on marai (finally), part 5

hiya! now that i have zero paid subscribers, i have even less idea who's been visiting and reading this blog / process / shitshow. over the weekend i was thinking how i really would like to get back to this story, so i figured i'd continue sharing it in the hopes it would spur me to keep going. if you want to see the whole thing i've shared so far, you can visit this collection.

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revisiting marai - ok, reijishiin (or however i spelled it), part 4

There's been a little voice in the back of my head for the pst few days / week or so urging me to get back to work on this story, but also i'm not really feeling it in this moment right now, so — i'm going to share another part in the hopes that it spurs me to write about what's next. i have somewhat of an idea, and it involves (SPOILER ALERT) the main character and someone who — as of the part i'm posting below — hasn't been introduced yet, posing as serving staff on a cruise ship in order to sneak their way past immigration officials to find her daughter. then some more shit happens, i haven't really fully thought through beyond that.

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more of marai (or whatever), part 3

i thought i had already posted something today, and then i realized i hadn't 🤣

i'm still kind of recovering from covid, so i'm not quite 100% and ready to work on new music yet, and i didn't feel inspired to work on writing today — frankly, my day job kind of took over big time today, starting right at the jump (which is saying something when you work from home).

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leaning in to being scatterbrained

there's been a lot more activity here lately than i had been creating before. partly, i suppose, because i feel like i need an outlet for all of the various things i'm doing, and i really am committed to staying clear of (most forms of) social media.

i think the entire nature of social media, and digital interactions in general, is dehumanizing. what i've come to call the "people-in-cars" phenomena.

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starting on marai (part 1)

I was going to share another stream-of-consciousness journal kind of piece here today, but i'm a little tired of it. The point i was going to make anyway is that i should just do the art i want to do, and i suppose part of the reason why i want to share unfinished works / works in progress here, is to drive me to finish them.

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flins aborp agogg nuri flins aborp agogg nuri

The Misery of Aphok

Little bit of intro... this piece is old. Very old. I wrote it originally in like 2005–2007 or thereabouts as part of a sci-fi novel i was working on that i called "The Passenger." This story was supposed to be a folktale from one of the unaligned (as in, not directly associated with one of the major powers) planets in that story's universe. I keep thinking I'd like to expand on the idea,  by writing a bunch of different folktales set in a sci-fi universe.

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