hi, i’m nuri. this is where i’ll post things i’m working on (when i remember to) — whether its music, or musings, or fiction, or video, or live events, or whatever comes next. if you want to follow along, it’s free, or you can choose to pay. you don’t get anything extra if you pay, but you help support me to keep doing the things, and i appreciate it. 💕
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Recent posts
the abandoned (ish) uke project
i have a performance coming up.
i don't have a link to share with details yet, but i will certainly post here when i do.
this will be my first time performing in public —in real life — in nearly nine years.
greensleeves revisited / the high road
i know there's almost no one watching / listening at this point, but i've never really been sharing for an audience, i suppose. this stuff is going to get shared / put out there whether anyone's listening or not. i guess that's always been my thing — whether i want to or not, i'm going to do the things whether anyone gives a damn about them or not.
quick update + more uke stuff
so, i've decided to skip that grant application this time around. i don't feel like i have a work that neatly fits their guidelines, and i don't want to try to shoehorn something i've got into a place where it won't fit — which is kind of a relief, because i really just want to focus on making that piece the best version of itself it can be, because it's kind of important to me.
between your sheets
my personal opinion: this is the best / most complete of the uke-based tracks i started on back in october... so, you know, it's all downhill from here 😅
keep on sharing wips
i know the vox are barely audible in this one — most of these quick little uke tracks never got to the point where i felt good enough about them to sing full-throated.
i'm trying to post without listening
if i actually listened back to these before putting them up — i might now share them at all 🤣
consider that my voucher on quality 🫠
i'm literally going through, in the order i drafted these songs. we're almost to the "most complete" one (that's number 5) — but even that one needs a lot of work still.
i had an idea, but i forgot it 🤣
i was going to post about something else completely today, but i guess i'll keep sharing works-in-progress (WIPs). here's the second draft rough mix from october's abortive effort to write, record and produce an entire album in one month. i know i could probably make *something* out of any of these, but i'm not really sure what.
dunno if i could bear to listen to this
but i suppose i did say i would start sharing these WIPs. without listening — because i'm really not sure i could bear it, i'm pretty sure i was not happy with the lyrics to this one, possibly the harmony and form (i.e. the whole damn song). and this was just the first one i started laying down.