hi, i’m nuri. this is where i’ll post things i’m working on (when i remember to) — whether its music, or musings, or fiction, or video, or live events, or whatever comes next. if you want to follow along, it’s free, or you can choose to pay. you don’t get anything extra if you pay, but you help support me to keep doing the things, and i appreciate it. 💕
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Recent posts
someone else's song
i've been trying to listen to more albums the past couple of days (which is ironic, since i haven't even tried to produce / release an album since i started releasing music on streaming services in 2021). of course, the "album" i chose to listen to that prompted this post was a split EP featuring Apes of the State and Sister Wife Sex Strike (because i really needed some trans, anarchist, folk punk to listen to).
yeah ok but why
it's one thing to release a song, a playlist of inspirations, blog about the process, and all of that...
...but why? when you take away the commercial impulse to make money, to promote a product, to engage your network and all of that bullshit, what is the point of it? i understand why there is a never-ending debate among artists on whether they should share their inspirations or interpretations of their own works, because i tend to believe that art is up to the interpretation of the observer, independent of the artist's initial intent.
You'd Better Watch Yourself 😅
My new song is out now.
I'm sure you've already seen / heard 🫠
But i wanted to share, as usual (i hope?) the production / inspiration playlist for this track. In case i haven't mentioned previously, for each of my tracks i put together a playlist (of varying length) of songs that inspired it, or that were production references for the recording or mix. Spotify tends to be where i listen to music, so i make the playlists there, but if someone has a preferred platform beside that, i could maybe reproduce them elsewhere as well.
i hit publish (again)
this is one of those cases where, "if money was no object" things might go very differently. i could keep on tweaking "watch it!" and i might be happier with it eventually, i might not.
a new release
ok, so i guess i finally am putting out a new track. i've been alternately struggling with / ignoring this one because (in part) i was having trouble with the vocal line. Prior to my transition, I was always pretty proud of my bass voice. I can comfortably sing a low C, and even touch a B, even a B-flat (though it's not a terribly useful / pleasant sound). My tessitura was always low E to like the G or A below middle C — and I feel weird about trying to alter my voice for transition.
posting every day?
i just realized i hadn't posted yet today — and i had been posting every day the past few days — so i came here to ask if posting every day is desired / too much.
Watch it...
So, as I may have alluded to in my last post. I have a new track that's done/almost done/ready to be mixed and mastered.
Work... in progress!
Ok, so after all the false starts, diversions, etc. — i think i'm finally moving again.
I've just sent a very rough mix and stems to my producer to start assembling.
Shower thoughts/An unusual start
Happy birthday to me 🥳🤣
Not gonna lie, I always used to really like how I shared a birthday with some famous musicians like Johann Sebastian Bach and Modest Mussorgsky, as if that meant there was some kind of affinity shared just by having the same birthday. (A quick Wikipedia rabbithole led to me just now learning apparently also the birthday of Emperor Taizu of Song, the late great Solomon Burke, and coincidentally, my dad's old teacher and famed cellist, Paul Tortelier 😅