show(s) (and other stuff) coming

i'm playing a show on june 1. (if you're the facebook type, here's the link there).

the last time i played out was december 2015 — it was a "holiday" concert, a benefit, and we played one song. i don't even remember it. i don't think i have a recording of it anywhere. we wrote it for that show (and the collaborative cd that was released at that party), and never played it again. before that, it had already been three years since we'd been playing regularly, and then raising babies made gigging...difficult.

well, now the babies can walk, and clean their own butts, and even make themselves a meal or two, so it's time for mama to get back to work (i guess? also..."work?" nope — don't wanna rabbithole this morning — stay focused, girl).

i spent the past week and weekend working on some (i hesitate to call it this, but that's what it is) merch for the show. as i looked at what the options were, and polled some opinions, the only things that really felt good to me were things i could (mostly) make myself. that, and i'm super broke right now, you guys, for real. like — i got paid on the 15th and it's the 18th and there's nothing until the 1st, and i'm pretty sure i'm overdrawn — again — so buying merch to sell, ethics aside, is not even an option.

so diy it is!

i took the kids to michael's on sunday (this was before being broke) and we got some fabric dye (they didn't have speedball ink, so we made do — gonna have to order some proper ink online when i get paid next), and we practiced making stencils and painting on shirts and other old clothes and my son made himself a really cool yellow shirt with a purple wolf on it, and my daughter made shorts with hearts on the butt. because why not. (during the stenciling phase, she gave me a lotus pattern to cut out that was insane, so i figured i put all the effort into cutting it, i made myself a three-color lotus on a purple v-neck — maybe it'll make an appearance some day).

so we're going to keep practicing stenciling and painting, and hopefully can offer slap-stenciled shirts, patches, and whatever fabric anyone wants something stenciled onto, at the show.

also, i put together a lyric chapbook (cover below), as well as a few chapbooks of some of my other writings that seemed complete-enough to print. i haven't printed them yet (see above, broke), but hopefully i'll be able to have at least a couple copies of each at the show (and i guess if anyone wants a hard copy i could mail one, but i have no idea what that costs and, see above, broke).

there are four available right now — i'd ask if there's interest, but there's no way here for folks who aren't paying to give me feedback, which leads to my last thing: leaving patreon.

it's not official yet, but i think i'm going to migrate everything over to a website that i'm hoping to launch in may. i'd like to migrate all the content from here over to a blog there, and offer a pay-what-you-can subscription (and hopefully can offer anything else folx might want through there too).

i guess, if you're out there, stay tuned for that one — and of course, it'll be linked on my linktree when it goes up.

hope to see you there.



looky here


maybe moving from patreon? odd thing to post on patreon.