hi, i’m nuri. this is where i’ll post things i’m working on (when i remember to) — whether its music, or musings, or fiction, or video, or live events, or whatever comes next. if you want to follow along, it’s free, or you can choose to pay. you don’t get anything extra if you pay, but you help support me to keep doing the things, and i appreciate it. 💕

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Recent posts

Spotify stealing from small artists to pay big ones

Spotify is hoping you won't notice, but they've just announced a new policy to steal from small artists to pay bigger ones. Buried in their recent Spotify for Artists newsletter was this notice that "Starting in early 2024, tracks must have reached at least 1,000 streams in the previous 12 months in order to generate recorded royalties."

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To Tok or Not to Tok

Since I'm pretty sure every one of y'all came here from TikTok, it seems relevant to post this here 😅

You may have noticed I've been taking an extended break from TikTok.

At first it was a mental health break. I had some unpleasant interactions on the app, and in general it was just stressing me out, so I stepped away for a bit.

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Shower thoughts/An unusual start

Happy birthday to me ðŸĨģðŸĪĢ

Not gonna lie, I always used to really like how I shared a birthday with some famous musicians like Johann Sebastian Bach and Modest Mussorgsky, as if that meant there was some kind of affinity shared just by having the same birthday. (A quick Wikipedia rabbithole led to me just now learning apparently also the birthday of Emperor Taizu of Song, the late great Solomon Burke, and coincidentally, my dad's old teacher and famed cellist, Paul Tortelier 😅

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It's been a month ðŸ˜ģ

Hi all,

I haven't written here in about a month, it seems — and I've had this prompt "It's been a month ðŸ˜ģ" open in a tab on my computer for at least a week. I'm not really procrastinating — it's just that every time i start to write it all feels like too much to share. At the same time it all seems kind of trivial.

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This would have been a perfect opportunity to capture video

...but I didn't lol.

Just getting back to work on "eat the rich" after the holidays. I recorded some a new snare track — I think the goal is for that to be used as a trigger for a better-sounding snare drum than the one I have at home, which I may have mentioned before, is part of a kids' drum kit.

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