hi, i’m nuri. this is where i’ll post things i’m working on (when i remember to) — whether its music, or musings, or fiction, or video, or live events, or whatever comes next. if you want to follow along, it’s free, or you can choose to pay. you don’t get anything extra if you pay, but you help support me to keep doing the things, and i appreciate it. 💕

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I was planning on writing earlier today. I had the urge. As soon as i got it, i saw some things that triggered deep feelings of unworthiness. Like, everyone else writes, and puts more effort into it, more craft, more time, and is more deserving — and why do i bother, what do i have that’s worth saying. I’m just a trash person with trash opinions.

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i started writing a thing today

i started writing a thing today. it's largely autobiographical, it seems. at least so far. i don't know if i'm going to finish it, but it started from my spinning thoughts as i was going to sleep last night. i had this urge to try to explain all the places i'm coming from. all the things i've experienced that led me to where i am now, what i believe now, what i'm working for now.

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greensleeves revisited / the high road

i know there's almost no one watching / listening at this point, but i've never really been sharing for an audience, i suppose. this stuff is going to get shared / put out there whether anyone's listening or not. i guess that's always been my thing — whether i want to or not, i'm going to do the things whether anyone gives a damn about them or not.

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someone else's song

i've been trying to listen to more albums the past couple of days (which is ironic, since i haven't even tried to produce / release an album since i started releasing music on streaming services in 2021). of course, the "album" i chose to listen to that prompted this post was a split EP featuring Apes of the State and Sister Wife Sex Strike (because i really needed some trans, anarchist, folk punk to listen to).

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revisiting marai - ok, reijishiin (or however i spelled it), part 4

There's been a little voice in the back of my head for the pst few days / week or so urging me to get back to work on this story, but also i'm not really feeling it in this moment right now, so — i'm going to share another part in the hopes that it spurs me to write about what's next. i have somewhat of an idea, and it involves (SPOILER ALERT) the main character and someone who — as of the part i'm posting below — hasn't been introduced yet, posing as serving staff on a cruise ship in order to sneak their way past immigration officials to find her daughter. then some more shit happens, i haven't really fully thought through beyond that.

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i'm tired, but i'll keep going anyway

i'm tired of always striving. of having to meet other's expectations, while having no expectations of anyone else.

i feel like i'm not alone in this feeling. though it feels very isolating. i keep reading about how isolated people feel right now, and in some ways i think we all make it worse sometimes. but also there is this feeling of needing to protect ourselves.

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yeah ok but why

it's one thing to release a song, a playlist of inspirations, blog about the process, and all of that...

...but why? when you take away the commercial impulse to make money, to promote a product, to engage your network and all of that bullshit, what is the point of it? i understand why there is a never-ending debate among artists on whether they should share their inspirations or interpretations of their own works, because i tend to believe that art is up to the interpretation of the observer, independent of the artist's initial intent.

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